Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa Photos

We took the kids for their annual Santa photos today. It was a lot of rushing around, picking out the right outfits, getting the kids dressed, making sure they were fed & used the potty prior to leaving & then loading everyone into the car. It was our first outing with all 3 of the kids. Although it was a lot of work (I am still not fully recovered from Jacob's birth), it felt like an adventure.

The attempt #1

The Santa tent was outside & we had to wait in line for over half-an-hour. Even though the evening was chilly, thankfully, there were warming lamps everywhere. Of course, it couldn't be a ride without any bumps. Jacob pooped & there was a mad rush for us to find a restroom. Thankfully, we were able to find one nearby & change his diaper quickly. Many people standing with us in line seemed to understand how young Jacob was & gave us many compliments & sympathetic smiles. :-)

The attempt #2

All enjoyed meeting Santa except Sophia. No amount of preparation could convince her that Santa was a good guy. She used the full volume of her voice to let everyone know how unhappy she was. Santa appeared pretty nervous about sitting all of the 3 children on his lap, so my husband & I had to step into the photo. While Daddy didn't have much luck keeping Sophia on his lap, I did a better job by promising her - what else? - a lollipop!

Our final attempt & probably the best photo we are going to get this year

We went home exhausted, but satisfied. Our first outing with 3 kids was not perfect, but we pulled it off. We would be able to tell Jacob that he met Santa for the first time when he was just 3 weeks & 2 days old. Way to go!

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