Saturday, August 28, 2010

Simplify Your Life

Our little mountain goat!

A small water sprinkler can provide hours of fun!

A visit from godfather Ananth

Gerritt - the musician!

We are getting closer to our goal of simplifying our lives. With the economy taking a downturn, I worked very few nursing shifts at the hospital this summer (in July I was cancelled for over a month in a row). So I've applied & was hired for a Saturday Clinician position at the Bellevue clinic. Even though the clinic pay is lower compared to the hospital, at least I have guaranteed hours. Ever since reading The Simplicity Reader a few years ago, I've wanted to "work where I live or live where I work." Now that I live 5 minutes away from my work, I come home for lunch & see my kids as well as run small errands. I am getting so spoiled with having everything I need near me: grocery stores, a library, a large shopping center, a movie theater, a bank, multiple restaurants, GoodWill, Farmer's Market, Gerritt's school, & multiple parks. My husband is only minutes away from his job at Microsoft. This is truly the best house location ever! Some of my other goals for simplifying our lives include turning off TV more often; spending some time each day in nature; going to bed by 9 pm one night a week; never touching a piece of mail more than once (file, recycle or shred right away); & involving Gerritt in household chores more often (have to start early!).
Another trip to the library & a list of new reading material for Gerritt:

Time For Bed by Mem Fox
The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
Sorry! by Norbert Landa & Tim Warnes
The Perfect Nest by Catherine Friend (Gerritt's favorite)
Gobble Gobble Crash! by Julie Stiegemeyer
What's the Big Idea, Molly? by Valeri Gorbachev
Froggy's Sleepover by Jonathan London
The Little Red Hen by Byron Barton
All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin (Gerritt's favorite)
Miss Smith Reads Again! by Michael Garland (Gerritt's favorite)

The times Gerritt & I spend snuggling in bed & reading together are some of the best. We both relax, wind down & reconnect. Usually I can't turn off the lights until I've read at least 5 books. If Gerritt refuses to turn off the lights, all I have to say is, "Look how dark it is outside. Bears are coming! If you are still awake, they will come & get you." Occasionally (if whining persists), I have to make a growling bear sound to be more convincing. Amazingly, it works every time! Gerritt immediately lays down on a pillow, hugs Toby & closes his eyes. He usually starts snoring 10-15 minutes later. I wonder how long will this technique keep working?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend with Chris & Gerry

This weekend Gerritt & I have traveled to Wenatchee to spend a couple of days with grandpa Gerry & grandma Chris. Hot temperatures & lots of sun were just what we needed for a relaxing mini-vacation. Gerritt couldn't wait to go swimming in the neighborhood pool. In the evening he sat through most of the movie Avatar, which I rented from Netflix.
The highlight of the trip was our day hike at the Ohme Gardens, where my husband & I got married in June of 2005. There was a beautiful mechanical waterfall installed at the exact spot where we said our wedding vows. It was magical to watch Gerritt run around the place where it all began. The garden didn't disappoint with its beautiful miniature ponds with goldfish, blooming flowering ground cover, rock stairs, & amazing views.
At dinner time, Gerritt shocked me by eating almost everything that was served. I've been trying to get him to eat salmon for months now, & he not only ate his serving, but asked for seconds multiple times ("Mommy, can I have some more fish please?" - Music to my ears). He also tried blueberries for the first time (straight from the blueberry bush!) & loved it. Maybe he'll start eating the blueberries I've been buying forever at Costco. I should take Gerritt on out-of-town trips more often.

Posing for Mommy

Gerritt & grandma Chris

The spot where we said our wedding vows

What's gradma & gradpa's secret? No snacks or juices between meals, & having dinner together as a family. This is going to be our new family rule - dinner is served when my husband gets home from work & everyone has to sit at the same table. My first trial dinner went surpisingly well this evening. I prepared baked chicken; roasted zucchini, potatoes & mushrooms along with fresh sliced tomatoes & cucumbers drizzled with Italian salad dressing. Sophia sat in her high chair & had a blast finger feeding herself with torn bits of food. Gerritt refused to sit & eat with us at first stating he wasn't hungry while asking for corn chips & chocolate instead. I calmly informed him that they would not be served until he ate some of his dinner, & if he didn't eat dinner, he would just go to bed hungry. Gerritt continued to work on his floor puzzle for a few minutes pretending he couldn't care less. He finally joined us at the dinner table a few minutes later, but pushed the plate away after taking just one look at the food stating he didn't want it. We continued eating & tried to ignore him the best we could. As soon as our heads were turned, he grabbed the chicken leg & began eating. We continued to interact with him like nothing had happened while secretly smiling & giving each other thumbs up. Interacting with a toddler definitely feels like an art some days!

Cutie pie & a trouble maker!

Friday, August 6, 2010

National Night Out

Gerritt riding the police motorcycle

Inside the bomb squad truck

Inside the fire truck

2 nights ago My husband, Gerritt & I went to tour the local police & fire depatments as part of the National Night Out. Some of the goals of this program include heightening crime prevention awareness as well as strengthening neighborhood spirit & police-community partnership.
Gerritt really enjoyed "riding" the fire truck as well as the police motorcycle. However, the most important thing we learned was how to collect & store your child's vital information which can be very useful in case of a child abduction. The information kit includes child's demographic & health statistics (name, date of birth, address, favorite toys/habits, allergies, health conditions, etc.), a recent photograph (including a side profile) as well as a DNA sample. It is recommended to have a set of recent fingerprints as well, but they usually don't fully form until age 3. Obtaining a DNA sample is very simple, & any parent can store it right in her/his freezer for up to 1 year. To collect the sample, simply swab the inside of your child's cheek for a few seconds using a common Q-tip. I am sure glad we've decided to venture out on the National Night Out. I wouldn't have even thought to do this on my own!