Friday, August 6, 2010

National Night Out

Gerritt riding the police motorcycle

Inside the bomb squad truck

Inside the fire truck

2 nights ago My husband, Gerritt & I went to tour the local police & fire depatments as part of the National Night Out. Some of the goals of this program include heightening crime prevention awareness as well as strengthening neighborhood spirit & police-community partnership.
Gerritt really enjoyed "riding" the fire truck as well as the police motorcycle. However, the most important thing we learned was how to collect & store your child's vital information which can be very useful in case of a child abduction. The information kit includes child's demographic & health statistics (name, date of birth, address, favorite toys/habits, allergies, health conditions, etc.), a recent photograph (including a side profile) as well as a DNA sample. It is recommended to have a set of recent fingerprints as well, but they usually don't fully form until age 3. Obtaining a DNA sample is very simple, & any parent can store it right in her/his freezer for up to 1 year. To collect the sample, simply swab the inside of your child's cheek for a few seconds using a common Q-tip. I am sure glad we've decided to venture out on the National Night Out. I wouldn't have even thought to do this on my own!

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