Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jacob Is 5 Months Old!

Jacob is 5 months old today. It is sure amazing to see his transformation from a little helpless newborn to a loud & rambunctious infant! He likes to squeal, especially when he is super excited about something or just happy. Even though he can't speak yet, he often finds a way to let his wishes to be known.

My little intactivist

Jacob & Gerritt

His bald head is filling out nicely with fine curly (!) hair. The curl is especially more noticeable after a bath. Jacob has the curliest hair out of my 3 children (just like my Mom & I). My Mom has been commenting that he looks so much like my Dad. My Mom & Dad have been divorced for many years & now my Mom is reminded of my Dad every time she looks at Jacob. I am married to a Korean, yet Jacob has my Russian Dad's high forehead, double chin, cheeks, dark thick eyebrows & full lips. Genetics is sure fascinating!

Jacob & I in our garden

My husband & I celebrating my 35th birthday

Jacob has been drooling a lot & his chest is often wet. He also loves to chew on toys & his fingers. We are are looking forward to him getting his first set of teeth. He has been literally begging us for solid food. We weren't planning on starting solids until Jacob was 6 months old, but gave in at 5 months & 3 weeks because he started to grab food off our plates. :-) After eating an egg yolk for the first time ever, Jacob rewarded us with sleeping from 10 pm until 4 am.

Jacob, Sophia & I

Jacob & I at the Boehm's Chocolates

I haven't done any tummy time with him since I've recently learned it's so much better for him to go through the learning process of getting onto his tummy on his own (see the article below). Jacob has recently surprised us by rolling over from his back onto his tummy all by himself on Easter. He is so strong & motivated! I just love watching Jacob's progress & feel so proud in being given an opportunity to assist in his creation (I truly believe children are gifts from heaven).

Jacob & babushka Nina

Another visit from Kat

Looking forward to finding out what the next month will bring!

Additional References:

The Case Againts Tummy Time by Irene Gutteridge

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