Tuesday, July 1, 2008

9 months old today!

Another month has gone by... Gerritt is 9 months old today! My biggest task now is to plan his meals. At 9 months of age he can eat lamb, veal, tofu, beans, cheese, egg yolk, and poultry. I need to do some grocery shopping, fast!
The most delightful change over the past week has been Gerritt's ability to say "mama." Ever since learning the word, he has been saying it frequently, especially when he wants me near him. I just hear "ma-ma-ma-ma-mammmm." When I come, Gerritt smiles. Must feel good to be able to communicate & influence your environment even a little.
Today he did something new again. I put him down into his crib for a morning nap at 10 am. He fussed for a few minutes as usual, then everything went quiet. I was assuming he was sleeping. When I checked on him 15 minutes later, he WAS sleeping, however, not on his back. He fell asleep while sitting, with his face burried in a blanket covering his feet. So funny! I gently lowered him onto his back.
Gerritt now gives really great hugs. He leans into you & molds to your body. It feels great! He does a lot of hugging when he really missed me (like when I pick him up from his babysitter). :-) Gerritt doesn't really like to play with his toys as much as he likes to play with household items - plastic containers, cups, spoons, cereal container, paper - anything goes. We might as well save money & not buy him any more toys since he gets bored of them quickly.
Thanksfully, we've survived the heat wave we've had in Seattle for the past 3 days. It is sure great to have an air conditioner! Gerritt was sleeping only in his onesie. We've put the AC in his bedroom, so my husband & I had to suffice with blowing fans.
My Mom is planning to visit us from Russia again at the end of August, so we've been busy planning a get-away trip for ourselves. We are thinking of visiting San Francisco for a week while Gerritt stays home with my Mom. It is going to be our first real get-away since Gerritt's birth. We are sure ready to recharge!

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