Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jacob Is 8 Months Old!

Jacob is already 8 months old! He gradually progressed from the "army crawl" to crawling on his hands & knees. He often likes to rock back & forth. His most favorite place to be is still the kitchen, more precisely next to the dog dishes. We usually wash the kitchen floor at least once daily because Jacob spills the water.

Jacob still finds the dog food bowls irresistible

Now crawling on hands & knees

Jacob is still not sleeping at night (sometimes he is up as often as every hour) so my Mom is very sleep-deprived. I often suggest watching Jacob at night but she says no every time. She's has been on the night duty since he was 1 month old & she can't imagine it any other way. My husband & I are glad for our relatively uninterrupted sleep (I still set my alarm to pump every 5-6 hours during the night), but we don't feel as bonded to Jacob as we would like. It will probably change only when my Mom moves out.

Enjoying a visit from grandma Chris & grandpa Gerry

I am still pumping breast milk for Jacob (thankfully, only 5 times a day). I had a really hard time for about 2 weeks after he turned 6 months old when every pumping session became a struggle. I think I set a mental goal for myself to breastfeed for 6 months & once I achieved it I lost my motivation to continue. Gradually, I've regained it back. I've decided to take it one week at a time & to pump for as long as I could. Some days are easier & some are harder. I worked so hard to build my supply & I just can't imagine quitting now. Breastmilk is the ultimate superfood & all pureed veggies & egg yolks can't compete with the goodness of breastmilk. My new goal is to provide Jacob with my breastmilk until he is 1 year old. I will probably pump for 1.5-2 more months & then provide the rest from my freezer supply.

Learning to walk while holding on to the furniture

Jacob has progressed from laying on his side while leaning on his elbow to real sitting. I've noticed him sitting well for the first time on August 6th (8 months & 8 days old). I am still amazed he learned to crawl so efficiently before mastering the skill of sitting unsupported. Jacob being able to sit independently means more arm freedom for us. His favorite toys are the box of baby wipes, a little plastic ball with a bell inside (Maxi's dog toy), TV remote control, phone, dog food & paper.
Jacob is very active & now likes to explore all over the house. He follows us everywhere! Sometimes I find him in my bedroom, sometimes in the living room & sometimes in the bathroom. We have to remember to keep the bathroom doors shut, all little toys (ones he can swallow) picked up & dog dishes put away when Jacob is awake. I often hear, "Mommy, take Jacob away!" from Sophia because Jacob finds her floor puzzles & books too tempting to resist.

So happy to stand in the crib, however, unable to get down

When Jacob was almost 8.5 months old, he learned to stand up in his crib while holding on to the crib bars. It became quite challenging to put him to bed some evenings because all he wanted to do was to practice standing up (I remember Gerritt doing the same just yesterday, it seems). Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to get down yet, so he cries until someone rescues him. After learning to stand up in his crib, Jacob gradually progressed to pulling himself up next to the toy chest, my bed & the living room couch. I am so proud of his determination. Despite loosing his balance & falling multiple times, he keeps on trying.
I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130 lbs even though I haven't resumed my exercise routine & my diet includes coconut oil, real bacon, full-fat organic dairy (butter, milk, cheese & whipping cream) & raw walnut & macadamia nut butters. I have breastfeeding (or in my case, exclusive pumping) to thank. The weight loss has been gradual & relatively effortless.
This month Jacob had another cold, also lasting about 5 days. More sleepless nights for everyone. This time I was better prepared & relieved some of Jacob's nasal congestion using Swedish NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator. I should feel fortunate Jacob has only had 2 major colds so far.

Jacob loves his siblings

Enjoying a ride from Gerritt & Sophia

Best buddies!

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