Sophia enjoying the corn on the cob
At the petting zoo
The train Gerritt & I rode
The Racing Car ride
The Chinese Dragon ride
Sophia & the giant pumpkin
The clown show
Sophia & her baby in the car ride back home
Today my husband took a day off work in order to take us to the Puyallup Fair. The Fair takes place every year & offers a variety of fun activities such as concerts, rodeo, rides, fair exhibits, treasure hunt, animal exhibits, etc. I really enjoyed the Fair even though I am not a fan of crowds. It reminded me of the Carnival in Russia I used to attend with my Dad when visiting him during the summers off school. My parents divorced when I was 4, so starting in the 3rd grade my Mom put me on the train to take a 7-day trip from Tynda to Moscow where my Dad would pick me up. The times were simpler then as I was able to travel by myself with some help from other sympathetic adult travelers.
It was a beautiful sunny day & Sophia promptly fell asleep about an hour into the Fair giving us about 2 hours of uninterrupted fun family time. With my husband as the designated babysitter, Gerritt & I rode most of the rides. Gerritt really wanted to go onto the Ferris Wheel, however, didn't meet the height requirement. He wasn't disappointed for long as he soon discovered many other rides to enjoy including the Fire Truck, the Chinese Dragon, the Racing Car, The Motorcycle, & even the Big Slide which he & I did together. We also visited the petting zoo where Gerritt touched the chicks, rabbits & goats. The highlight of the day was a clown show that included a cute Boston terrier climbing the ladder & performing other smart tricks. The show ended with the audience covered in toilet paper (just like the Blue Men Group show I once saw in Vegas) - totally unpredictable & fun! After many unusual sounds, sights & experiences the kids were wiped out. Thank goodness for the double stroller! Another fun fall outing for us! A year ago getting out of the house was too much work. We are sure becoming more brave as the kids grow older. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful city & look forward to experiencing more of what it has to offer!
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