No, you can't ride the tractor!
Sophia loves to explore!
Sunflower & bees
Yesterday I got an unexpected day off work (another cancelled shift at the hospital). It was a cloudy day, however, it wasn't raining so I didn't want to waste a whole day staying indoors. I loaded the kids into the van & took them to the Kelsey Creek Farm. Both Gerritt & Sophia were thrilled to see live farm animals out in the pastures such as horses, sheep, chickens, geese, pigs, cows, goats & rabbits. Gerritt kept running around the Farm & announcing in a voice full of excitement, "Look, Mommy, horses(or insert another animal)!" The best part was that Sophia didn't have to stay in her stroller for the entire outing. She is a good enough walker now that I trusted her to walk all over the Farm grounds. She was a bit wobbly, however, didn't have any big falls. She kept smiling & almost ran away from me a couple of times.
The park features hiking & jogging trails, picnic areas, a playground, wetlands, creeks & forests. We visited the historic Fraser log cabin & admired the growing pumpkins as well as the herb garden nearby. It was so wonderful to enjoy fresh air & cut back on the amount of daily TV. The kids got hungry pretty quickly & had a snack of bananas, string cheese & oatmeal chocolate chip walnut cookies I packed with us. Gerritt ate 2 cookies & was so hyped up from chocolate, he refused to nap that day. Sophia fell asleep in the car on our way back & slept for another 2 hours after getting home.
Gerritt pleasantly surprised me by requesting to urinate while still in the car prior to our arrival to the park ("I have to go pee-pee, Mommy!"). He proudly wet the grass ("like [our dog] Spike") once we arrived. About an hour into our outing, he announced that he had to go poo-poo & started taking off his pants & squatting in the middle of the street. Lucky for me, I was able to take him into a portable potty nearby (I can only imagine a mess he would have made if I didn't catch him in time). We've been so focused on potty training, I must have missed teaching him about the toileting privacy somewhere. However, I am not complaining - I haven't changed Gerritt's poopy diaper in over 3 weeks & love it!
The Farm House
A gentle hug for his sister
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