The famous Downward Dog yoga pose - Gerritt's signal for "Wipe me, please!"
The goofy kid making a hat out of his diaper
Everyone wears a hat today!
Gerritt is turning out to be such a goofy kid. His happiness is contageous & he often makes us laugh. I wrote down a few things he said during the past week:
"Awww, cutie pie!" when looking at something adorable (an animal or a baby, for example)
"I am comfy cozy," answering to whether he's comfortable enough.
"I am a kitty cat!" answering to my question about why he's licking my pants.
"Mommy, my pee pee is so big! Do you have a pee pee, Mommy? Can I see it?" acknowledging his erection.
"No, I am a good boy!" his response to me calling him a bad boy (which is very rare, I hate the "bad boy" term & strive to criticize the behavior, not to attack personal character)
Our latest way to have fun in the evenings is to dance to the Lady Gaga's music. We hold hands & run fast in circles, stomp our feet & create funny dance moves. Usually we are both sweating by the end of our dance session & Shon is laughing & unable to focus on his work at the computer. I can't remember the last time I've had this much fun. Who said you can't exercise with kids?
The other day Gerritt put a diaper on his head. Perhaps the latest library book called "Apples & Oranges - Going Bananas With Pairs" by Sara Pinto gave him this idea? You can read the following on one of the pages, "How are trousers and underpants alike? They both don't make good hats." Then you see a picture of 2 women drinking tea with trousers on the head of one & underwear on the head of the other. It's simply impossible to go a day without laughing when Gerritt is around!
Watching Sophia often makes me smile as well. She loves to climb everything - the toy kitchen table, the couch, the stroller, & the equipment at the playground. I have to supervise her carefully. One time I found her standing on the seat of Gerritt's tricycle. It's a miracle she didn't tip over!
We have finally got her used to the tooth brushing. She was absolutely terrified of the tooth brush every time she saw it & we gradually went from her being held down by both of us to her opening her mouth willingly. She now protests when I brush her teeth, but cries rarely. She usually wants to chew on the brush a little longer after I am done brushing & even attempts to brush my teeth.
Another new development with Sophia is that she started to use the potty occasionally. She has the habit of sitting on the potty & saying "pee pee," so every time she does it I take off her diaper. She usually puts her hand between her legs to feel the urine coming out - it's almost as if she can't believe it's really happenning! Her favorite pastime involves taking shoes off & attempting to put them back on. She literally can spend hours doing just that. She hates socks, so most of the time she is barefoot. Sophia's favorite foods are strawberries & tomatoes. If she sees either of them she will cry until she gets it even if she just ate. She has made quite a progress in learning the alphabet letters & now can name A, B, C, E, F, J, K, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, & Z. Simply remarkable! Every time we do the letter exercise her face lights up & she looks so proud of herself. Sophia now notices letters everywhere including her brother's t-shirts, grocery packages & books.
My reading adventure with Gerritt continues & he enjoyed the following books for the past 3 weeks:
My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza
Waiting Out the Storm by Joann Macken
Elmer and Rose by David McKee (Gerritt's favorite)
I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll
Once Upon a Dragon by Jean Pendziwol & Martine Gourbault
When the Library Lights Go Out by Megan McDonald & Katherine Tillotson
Clockwise: A Time-Telling Tale by Sara Pinto
Up, Down, and Around by Katherine Ayres
The Royal Mice, the Sword & the Horn by Loretta Krupinski (Gerritt's favorite; pretty advanced, but he was able to make sense of it)
Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell
Maisy Goes on Vacation by Lucy Cousins (Gerritt's favorite)
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