A ride on Gerritt's favorite carousel
Inside the turtle shell
Gorillas - mother & baby (cosleeping at its best)
Inside the cave
It was another slow Monday & I was wondering again what to do with the kids. The weather forecast promised a sunny day in the 70s. So when I gave Gerritt a choice of Woodland Park Zoo, library or the Kelsey Creek Farm this morning, he chose the Zoo.
It was our 3rd Zoo visit this year & for only $10 ($5 parking & $5 entry fee with the Microsoft Prime Card (instead of the usual $16.50)) we bought ourselves 5 hours of great outdoor adventure. We spent about $20 on food, but it made me feel better knowing that part of the proceeds benefit the Zoo. We arrived at the Zoo at 10 am & stayed until 2:30 pm, hard to believe. Weather did a trick on us by sprinkling for about an hour, however, the sun came out later, as was promised.
We visited our favorite jaguars & gorillas & also visited different Zoo areas. We saw the komodo dragons, the bug exhibit, sloths, & pink flamingoes. Sophia slept blissfully for at least 1.5 hours so we got lucky. Gerritt's favorite part of the trip was the Farm & the farm animals. He got to pet the goats & the miniature donkey. He also "rode" the tractor & watched a video of a chick hatching.
Beautiful flamingos - a miracle in the Northwest
Gerritt petting a goat
Gerritt riding the tractor
While at the Zoo, we had another "pooping" adventure. Gerritt got the urge to go "poo poo" while at the outdoor park. There were no restrooms nearby so I just told him to squat & go on the grass. Luckily, there was no one around to criticize me for bad parenting, or give us both the dirty looks, so Gerritt was able to poop in peace. I then discreetly disposed of the evidence by picking it up with a wet wipe & putting it in the garbage. It's funny to write about this now, but I was really panicking at the time. The only way to prevent such incidents with a potty training toddler is to stay home, which is not realistic. So I often have to get creative. This reminds of another Mom's blog entry about the joys of using a public restroom with 2 kids. It's certainly not a walk in the park.