Gerritt & Sophia laughing at Mommy making faces outside
Gerritt clowning around
The flowering cacti can be surprisingly beautiful!
Spike admiring the new ground cover
The newly planted strawberries
Today is Saturday & I happened to have a rare day at home (I am working a nursing shift at the hospital tomorrow instead). After some deliberation, we've decided not to go to the Skagit Valley Tulip Fesival (it's too windy & cold), & catch up with our chores at home. The day started with an attempt at Gerritt's potty training. Our well-meaning efforts led to a big urine puddle on the kitchen floor when Gerritt peed right through his "big boy" cotton underwear. Diaper safely back on & yet another lecture about being a big boy followed, along with the promises of Daddy buying the Superman monster truck if Gerritt goes poo-poo in the potty. We've certainly underestimated our son's motivation since he shocked us by doing just that shortly after breakfast. Another lesson to teach the kids is that Mommy & Daddy keep their promises, so we quickly packed them in the car for a trip to Babies"R"Us to buy Gerritt's truck. The Superman wasn't available, but Gerritt was just as happy to be rewarded with the Avenger.
Since there were still a couple of hours left until Gerritt's nap time, we headed to the Home Depot to buy some plants & seeds. While Sophia napped in the car under my husband's watchful eye, Gerritt & I were excitingly shopping for tomato, strawberry & pea plants. I also bought Nasturtium, Oriental Poppy, sunflower (thanks to my blogging friend Yulia for the idea), carrot & pumpkin seeds. I wanted to plant low-maintenance vegetables & flowers the kids might enjoy. I also couldn't resist a couple of miniature flowering cacti & bought those as well to be displayed in the kitchen window.
Gerritt's & Sophia's naps followed in the afternoon while I cleaned the house & my husband worked on cutting & fitting the new trim (we had our living room & hallway wood floors redone last weekend). Later in the evening I convinced him to take both of the kids to Korean grandma's house for an overnight stay. I was planning to relax & read something fun, however, it was not to be. I started with pulling a couple of weeds in our back yard & ended up with planting all of the plants & seeds bought earlier today. I worked until 8:30 pm & it was almost dark by the time I went back inside. The evening ended with me watching an independent Kazakh film Tulpan. All in all a pretty productive & satisfying day. :-)
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