My lovely assistant
The end product
Gerritt & his friend Anna enjoying eggs for breakfast the next day
We had a quiet, uneventful Easter. The morning was filled with eating breakfast, snuggling, reading new books from the library, playing, & Gerritt's potty-training. In the afternoon, I put Gerritt down for a nap which gave me just enough time to color Easter eggs. Gerritt was pleasantly surprised with the colorful eggs upon waking up & wanted one "opened" right away. He had no interest in eating it once he found out it was just plain & white inside. For the rest of the day he kept opening & closing the fridge & taking various-colored eggs out. He wanted to lick them, play with them, & ended up dropping several. He even went to bed with 2 eggs - one yellow, one green. :-) Once Gerritt was asleep, I quietly returned them into the fridge. I had a 4-day work week (including Saturday nursing shift at the hospital), so no Easter baskets, egg hunts, or Easter bunny photos were in the plans. Perhaps next year...
I lost my camera & haven't taken any photos for over a month. After exhaustive search all around the house, we finally bought another camera. My last few blog entries were without photos & it was great to get back to photoblogging again!
Hi Lena! Happy to see pictures again on the blog. I enjoy reading your updates and insights on raising kids. I think you and Shon are excellent parents and your kids reflect the thoughtful consideration you put towards their development.
Thanks, Taj. I am honored that you are reading my blog & find it interesting. Shon & I are so happy you & Gabe agreed to be the kids' guardians. We need to schedule a get-together soon!
your little boy is just adorable! hopefully next year your work schedule will be kinder.
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