With tulips
Synchronized potty training
Story time with Daddy
Sophia with her nanny Irina
It looks like we have another book lover in our family!
Another couple of weeks passed by & Gerritt discovered a few more favorite books:
Rain by Robert Kalan (he memorized this one, so it looks like he is reading)
Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox & Judy Horacek (we've read this one over & over & Gerritt never lost interest)
Froggy Goes to the Doctor by Jonathan London
Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London
If I Had a Dragon by Tom & Amanda Ellery
Christopher Counting by Valeri Gorbachev (Ukranian-born author & illustrator)
Once Upon a Potty by Alona Frankel (this book teaches about body parts, however, I prefer calling penis a penis instead of pee-pee)
Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann
I've tried to interest Gerritt in Dr. Seuss's books (like Hop on Pop & Cat in the Hat), but they might be too advanced for him because I lost his attention after a couple of pages. He loves Dr. Seuss's simpler My Many Colored Days.
This week Gerritt had his dental check-up, which he passed with flying colors. I had my husband take him to see Dr. Thomas since my starting work time is non-negotiable. Gerritt sat in the dental chair for the 1st time & really enjoyed watching cartoons. Dr. Thomas was so impressed with Gerritt's teeth, he emailed me later that day asking me what type of xylitol gel we were using, so he could recommend it to his patients (click here about benefits of xylitol & dental care tips). What a relief!
Gerritt's potty training is slow. He only uses the potty if he is naked from the waist down. If he has a diaper or big boy underwear on, he'll just pee right into it without requesting to go. He pleasantly surprised us this afternoon by going poo-poo in the potty all on his own (he was bare-bottomed, however). It is a start, at least...
Gerritt still loves Mommy more than anyone in the world & enjoys snuggling in bed together. He'll tell, "Daddy leave," if my husband pokes his head in the bedroom. I guess, a few more months of my hubby & I sleeping apart. Gerritt & Sophia apparently don't want any competition & are sure the most cute & snuggly birth control around! :-) Gerritt has finally learned to appreciate backrubs & requests them regularly before bedtime. Usually he'll say, "Backrubby, Mommy," & turn over. As soon as I stop, he'll happily announce, "Mommy's turn!" & after scratching my back a couple of times, rolls back onto his side again for more backrubbing. Sometimes he'll request I give a rub down to his brown doggy, bear, the dalmation & even boo-boo (blanket). He is one funny kid!
Sophia's 1st birthday is just around the corner, however, she is still not sleeping through the night - up 2, more often 3, times a night. The only way my husband & I have been able to survive is by taking turns in sleeping with Sophia. I am getting tired of the sleep disruption & the barely-able-to-get-through-the-work-day state. Sophia falls asleep while sucking on a bottle, so when she wakes up in the middle of the night, the only way she knows how to fall back asleep is through sucking on a bottle. We were thinking she was just hungry, but I now believe it has more to do with her sleep association. She associates falling asleep with drinking formula. Thankfully, I've recently run across one of the chapters from The No-Cry Sleep Solution book by E. Pantley on Peaceful Parenting blog's website & have high hopes for the method described. Anything to avoid the crying it out!
I had my first day of ultrasound training this week. This type of ultrasound is used to date pregnancy, to determine whether the pregnancy is inside the uterus or in the fallopian tube, & to evaluate the uterus after a miscarriage or an abortion. I did 7 ultrasounds under the supervision of my trainer, & need to do at least 23 more in order to be adequately trained. I have also had an unusual case of removing a yellow ping pong ball out of woman's vagina. She came in with a complaint of IUD "not feeling quite right," & was shocked by the removed ball as much as I was. Her partner was present for the exam & got the brunt of the blame. My best guess is that this couple might have been experimenting with sex toys while under the influence. This reminds me of the similar stories I've read on the Go Ask Alice! (the Columbia University's Health Q&A Internet Service - a wonderful reputable source of health information including sexual health).
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