40 weeks
I can't believe I am near the end of my pregnancy. I am 40 weeks today! Gerritt was born at 39 weeks 3 days & Sophia came at 40 weeks 2 days (after membrane stripping). I would not be terribly upset going over 40 weeks, & I will not be doing any special techniques to induce labor this time. This baby will come when he is ready to be born. The article by Dr. Nancy When Are You Due? is very reassuring about carrying a pregnancy for longer than 40 weeks. Anywhere between 37 & 43 weeks is considered normal. 80% of babies are born within the 2 weeks before or after 40 weeks & only about 5% of babies are born on their "due dates." Another article titled ACOG: Post Dates is Past 42 Weeks by Birth Without Fear is comforting as well.
"Attending births is like growing roses. You have to marvel at the ones that just open up and bloom at the first kiss of the sun but you wouldn't dream of pulling open the petals of the tightly closed buds and forcing them to blossom to your time line." Gloria LemayAs far as I am concerned, this pregnancy went by too fast. I am excited to meet my baby, but I am also slightly afraid of going through labor again. Giving birth is like a journey into the unknown, having to trust higher power & giving up all control in the process.
"When you have come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly." Patrick OverterI had mild contractions around 4 am yesterday. I tried to mentally connect with Jacob & keep all my fears away. I knew I needed to conserve my energy for the long day ahead, so I stayed in bed, snuggled up next to Gerritt & ... fell asleep. When I awoke at 7 am, the contractions were gone.
Gerritt examining the table with home birth supplies
Friday was my last day of work at the clinic & I celebrated by going to see the new Twilight movie Breaking Dawn in the evening. I felt useless & lost for the next couple of days (I probably need therapy since I don't know what to do with myself when I don't have to go to work). I stayed busy doing one of my favorite activities - blogging. I prepared most of the outline for posts on placenta encapsulation & cloth diapering. Writing a thorough & informative article on a particular topic takes time & research. I will have so little of that once the baby comes.
Pomegranates - the latest craving
Other than writing, I am spending quality time with Gerritt & Sophia, knowing they will probably not get much one-on-one time with me for the next few weeks. Gerritt discovered a few more of his favorite books:
Dr. Seuss's ABC
Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow & Adrian Reynolds
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
Clifford's Halloween by Norman Bridwell
Clifford's First Sleepover by Norman Bridwell
I am also obsessed about keeping the house spotless. I could go into labor at any time & I would be embarrassed if my birth assistants saw any mess. It's actually kind of nice to have these few days of nothing to do, it's own "calm before the storm," although having your 3rd baby is nothing like your 1st (it gets easier).
Sophia practicing feeding her baby
Today my nanny Irina & I took Gerritt, Sophia & Anna to play at the Kids' Cove at the Bellevue Square. In the afternoon, while they napped, I went to see Breaking Dawn movie for the 2nd time. Then grocery shopping, a couple of loads of laundry, bill paying, more pregnancy photos... I am feeling unusually unproductive. In the evening, as I was watching my kids playing in the living room, I thought about our plans to have the baby at home & it felt surreal. It has been a long journey & I really hope to have my perfect ending soon. :-)
Helpful Resources:
Affirmations & Visualizations for Birth
You are not alone. Three of my boys were born exactly at 42 weeks. You have time :)))
We're getting excited over here for Jacob's arrival! Looking forward to the announcement. He is a lucky human to be born into your family.
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