38 weeks 1 day
My belly has grown even more & almost overnight, it seems. I have gained 3 pounds since last week's appointment with Charlene. The baby must have dropped somewhat since I walk like a duck & have to urinate every couple of hours. Thankfully, my sleep has improved & I don't wake up at 3 or 4 am anymore. It's hard to believe I only have a couple of weeks of good sleep left. Both Gerritt & Sophia were up at least twice a night for the 1st year, so my chances for getting more sleep with this baby are slim.
I have started to get more swelling in my legs, but other than that I still feel great. I can't do brisk walks anymore so my dogs have to pull me for most of the way. My back pain is almost gone thanks to regular chiropractic adjustments. Weekly massage sessions & having a nanny 5 days a week help to keep me relaxed & sane. It's now harder to find clothes that fits so I am down to a pair of pants & a few tops.
I had another visit with Barbara, the lactation consultant at the Birth & Beyond store, today & received Supple Cups to help draw out my flat nipples. There is always a possibility of breast stimulation bringing on labor, so it's a perfect time for me to try them. This product is so new that Barbara really wanted my feedback on whether they would work for me.
Me, "You need to try a different angle. I look huge!" My husband, "Honey, but you are!"
I have recently organized my breastfeeding supply drawer. What do I have in there?
- Medela Tender Care Lanolin nipple cream (soothing relief for sore nipples)
- Nursing bras/tops
- BPA-free electric breast pump personal use kit
- Cotton nursing pads
- Medela Tender Care Hydrogel (to soothe sore nipples)
- Medela SoftShells for sore nipples (protects nipples from further irritation)
- MilkBands nursing bracelet (keeps track of which side you nursed from, what time & for how long)
- Earth Mama Angel Baby Booby Tubes (natural, gel-free, microwavable & freezable breast packs in organic cotton to help ease breast engorgement)
- BPA-free breastmilk storage bags (for milk freezing)
- Medela contact nipple shields (for flat/inverted nipples or latch-on difficulties)
I absolutely can't fail breastfeeding now!
Additional Resources:
What Breastfeeding Supplies Do I Need? (by KellyMom)
Gerritt insisted on being in most of my pregnancy photos
Good news! My Mom's immigration paperwork went through without a glitch (I received a confirmation email from the INS only 5 days after mailing all of the application documents last week). My many hours of reading, translating & document editing have paid off. Nothing was missing except MY original (or notarized copy) marriage certificate. I mailed it the next day using the overnight mail. My Mom should be getting an immigration visa within a few weeks. Whether I am ready to deal with her on a full-time basis is another story, but for now I desperately need help with a new baby.
The head dress I made for Sophia from the leaves found during my walk today
The autumn princess
Gerritt kisses Sophia during dance (he has been wearing his new favorite Spiderman pajamas for several days in a row)
Too dizzy to do any more dancing
We are still debating when to set up the birthing tub. We inflated it this past weekend just to make sure it worked. The kids decided it was an iflatable playground & spent much time climbing & jumping in it. The tub then had to be put away for it to have a chance to serve its true purpose. I am thinking we'll probably put it back up a week before my due date. My husband researched & ordered a lead-free gardening hose online in order to be able to feel the tub quickly when needed.
I am starting to get a little anxious about the upcoming birth. I am wondering whether I'll be able to handle natural labor & whether the baby is healthy. I also hope the presence of so many people during birth will not hinder my labor progress (my midwife + 2 students, my doula + 1 assistant, my husband, Sophia, Gerritt & our nanny). I will probably not care who is around me once I am in the midst of active labor, however, the fear of performance anxiety is always there. I am also afraid of having another occiput posterior baby & having a long, painful back labor & even possible hospital transfer. The fact is birth is unpredictable, & I will have to cross that bridge when I get there. I trust my body & know that my chances for another successful VBAC are greater at home than in the hospital. Less than 2 weeks to go!
"If you want to feel sad, live in the past. If you want to feel anxious, live in the future. If you want to feel peaceful, live in the now." - Author unknown
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