Getting ready for our walk outside
Asleep a few minutes later...
Off to visit Korean grandma
Sophia with her Korean grandmother in traditional Korean baby sling
Circle time in Gerritt's toddler class
Yesterday I took Sophia to get her ears pierced at the Brat Pack Salon in Redmond. I was pretty nervous, holding her tightly & hyperventilating, but it went surprisingly well. She cried for about 30 seconds right after piercing, but was able to be comforted with a bottle. Once we got home she fell asleep for 3 hours. I bought 14K gold posts for Sophia's first set of earrings. They will have to stay in her ears for 6 weeks.
Sophia touched her ears a couple of times yesterday & almost none today. The earrings do not cause her any discomfort. It is almost like she doesn't realize they are there. She looks adorable! I wonder if the little girls in Gerritt's daycare will want their ears pierced too when they meet Sophia tomorrow. I am happy I did it even though it is rather unusual in the US to pierce girl's ears at such a young age. Some parents do the ear piercing at the time of girl's first period to celebrate this rite of passage, but I can't bear to wait for 12-13 years for Sophia to start wearing earrings. I want her to feel pretty while growing up & enjoy being a girl!
Gerritt is making significant strides in his potty training. Yesterday Tamara reported that Gerritt has stayed dry all day & wet his diaper only while napping. Another milestone soon to pass! A pretty significant one, I must say, since once Gerritt is potty-trained he can start attending preschool.
I've ordered the Russian language learning program for Gerritt & Sophia called "The Seven Dwarfs" directly from the publishing house Labirint in Russia. It will take 6-8 weeks to arrive. I am looking forward to teaching both kids more Russian! I have lived in the US for almost 15 years & find it's easier to speak English than Russian. I have to make a conscious effort to speak Russian to Gerritt & Sophia. When I am alone with Sophia I strive to speak Russian only to her. I am planning on getting some Russian cartoons to reinforce the learning. And perhaps Russian TV channel???
Your little girl just looks so sweet, I want to munch on those cheeks! My mom made us wait until age 12 but most of my school friends had their ears pierced by age 8....I don't think I'll endorse the same policy when my turn comes to make that call.
Lena, another good site to order Russian books is I usually order my books there. Also, YouTube is full of Russian movies/cartoons for any ages...
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