Gerritt snuggling with Daddy
Gerritt having fun on the water motorcycle
Riding the big waves with Mommy
Getting ready to go down the slide with Daddy
Story time in the grand lobby
After staying home for almost 2 years my husband & I have decided to venture out & take a trip to the Great Wolf Lodge with Gerritt. We left Sophia with her Korean grandmother since she is so little & needs to eat & nap frequently (we didn't want to spend most of our trip in our hotel room). We've arrived to the Lodge at a little bit after 1 pm on Wednesday & Gerritt got so excited looking at the surroundings, he refused to nap. We didn't waste much time & headed to the indoor waterpark. The park was impressive with 6 various slides & 3 pools (including a wave pool), a hot tub, & a giant waterfort. Gerritt was cautious at first, covering his eyes & hair from the sprays & splashes of water from all different directions, & then finally embraced the fun. After the waterpark, we had dinner & then explored the lobby where Gerritt marveled at the giant snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, the black bear fur hanging above the stairwell, a large warm fireplace, oversized log table & chairs & huge statues of wolves everywhere. Then it was time to visit the water park again. We concluded the evening with the bedtime story in the grand lobby at 8 pm. Gerritt really enjoyed it with moving, talking & singing people, animals & trees. He was especially impressed when a large wolf (a person dressed in a wolf costume) walked out at the end of the story hour. The wolf was hugging children good night, but Gerritt was too afraid to come near him (the reason we missed Santa photo this year). That night he was too excited to fall asleep easily & tossed & kicked Mommy until 10 pm when Shon finally put his arm around him & told him to go to sleep.
The next day we went to the indoor water park twice (morning & night) & spent more than 2 hours in the afternoon trying to put Gerritt down for his nap. We succeeded eventually & he fell asleep for 2 hours. It was too much work to go out for dinner so we ate the delicious Mexican food take-out from the La Tarasca restaurant in our hotel room. Gerritt enjoyed another bedtime story hour in the grand lobby & then it was bedtime again at 10 pm.
We got back on Friday around 1 pm & Gerritt took one of the longest naps ever - 3 hours & 40 minutes! That's how much he enjoyed our vacation. :-) We had to pay $400 to discover there was no place like home & that we were major homebodies! I missed our air (I run humidifier for a few hours every day, so our noses & skin never feel really dry); our comfortable bed & dust-mite-proof mattress & pillows; homemade meals & having all of the needed "kid-care" equipment available within reach. I hardly ever have to think how to entertain Gerritt at home since he usually finds something to do on his own. Most of all, we missed our baby girl. I couldn't wait to hug her & kiss her fat cheeks! I had an ambitious thought of camping this summer but the thought of packing everything me may need for a family of 4 scares me. I think a day trip somewhere locally will do just fine!
Same with me, I am not a big fan of packing and traveling with kids, but prefer "home sweet home" instead :)))
Hi Lena
I know you write sometime about attachment parenting on your blog. A friend of mine just posted this video on her blog and I thought I would share a link with you:
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