I can't believe I am only 4 days away until my due date! With my short cervix & the intermittent contractions I've been having I thought I would have had my baby by now. I am feeling bored & restless. I am tired of being pregnant, & these past few weeks have been difficult. I am feeling reasonably well & have no major health issues, but my back aches, my feet & ankles swell up occasionally, the intermittent contractions & sharp pings in my cervix are uncomfortable, I can't carry Gerritt for long distances or run after him, & I am tired of always being hungry. My nesting stage seems to be over, & I've been taking it easy for the past week. I am focusing on food now. I prepared beef stroganoff & chicken stew with vegetables yesterday & froze some so Gerritt would have something to eat when I am at the hospital. This morning I made buckwheat pancakes & sausage & froze some again for Gerritt's breakfasts. I just want his life to be disrupted as little as possible when I am away. Who knows how long it will be?
It seems this pregnancy will never end. A couple of my friends had babies last week & it is so hard for me to still be pregnant. At the same time I am dreadng labor & fearing the unknown. I hope I can handle the pain (I am still worried even though I went natural up until my C-section last time). My last platelet count was 81K last week, so the epidural may not be a possibility. We have not hired a doula this time & have not toured the hospital. My hubby has been sleeping in the guest room since I wake up so often now & can't go back to sleep because of his snoring. Thankfully, Gerritt sleeps all night from 8 pm until 7 or 7:30 am. Today I took him to Target & bought him a wooden train set with rails, trees, people, etc. as well as a set of main car characters from the "Cars" cartoon. I am still getting over the guilt of giving him a sibling so soon.
I am all finished with my work. My last day at Planned Parenthood was last Saturday & my last day at the Evergreen was on Monday. I am almost done unpacking all of the boxes from our move 7 months ago. We have tons of baby girl clothes. One of my friends gave me all of her used daughters' clothes up to age 2, & my hubby's co-workers threw us a baby shower at the end of April. I have prepaid all of our bills, & the house is reasonably clean. Gerritt has a bath every 3-4 days just in case, & gave him a haircut recently. Everything is ready.
I've had a 3-hour episode of false contractions on the night of April 27th. They came every 3-4 minutes & lasted 15 seconds each. This all happened around 12:30 am. We've called our friend Ananth & had him pick up my husband's Mom from Tacoma & bring her over to our house. I haven't packed for the hospital yet, so here I was again rushing around the house looking for things. I told my hubby to conserve his energy & get some sleep, but he was way too excited to rest. I was so scared I was shaking from the adrenaline rush & could not relax either. He kept telling me to call my midwife, however, I didn't want to until I knew it was the real deal. By 2:30 am, my hubby's Mom was here & we were exhausted. We fell asleep around 3 am & when Gerritt woke us up at 7 am the next day, my contractions were gone. Maybe I scared them off with my reaction. I was definitely not ready psychologically to deal with labor so soon. Now all I want to do is get the show on the road so to speak. I've started to listen to my hypnobirthing CDs again to be more relaxed & welcoming next time the contractions return. Hopefully, soon!
On April 30th my husband & I took Gerritt for his 2nd dental visit. He still cried during an exam, but not nearly as loud or as long as the 1st time. His teeth looked great, just mild gingivitis around back molars. So the tooth brushing time is now increased from 10-15 seconds to 1 minute. I usually brush while my hubby keeps track of time with a beeping watch. Not Gerritt's favorite thing to do, but necessary!
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