It is Mother's Day today & still have not delivered! Only 2 more days to go until my due date. Little Sophia is definitely taking her time. We had our weekend pancake & sausage breakfast this morning, then headed to Tacoma to spend this Mother's Day with my hubby's Mom. Gerritt had so much fun running around & playing outside, with 3 dogs (Spike, Dingo & John) as well as with his wooden train set that he refused to take a nap. We've tried twice & he screamed & pleaded so loudly I've rescued him after 5 minutes each time. Of course, he passed out in the car on the way home & once we got home he cried non-stop until he got his milk & was put to sleep in his crib at 6:30 pm (an hour early). I don't feel as tired since I was able to escape into a bedroom & take a 1.5-hour nap at grandma's house. Yesterday my hubby & I took Gerritt to 2 different playgrounds - the one near our house & another one called the Grass Lawn Community Park. I've been really impressed with beautiful & well-maintained parks in Bellevue & Redmond area & consider myself fortunate to be a part of this community. We haven't even seen half of them. We take Gerritt to the playground every time it is not raining since I believe fresh air & sunshine are essential for good health. Plus any time he gets off the couch is great.
No changes in my pregnancy status yet. I've had a few mild contractions, but nothing regular or strong enough to get excited about. All of my body parts look bigger (hands, feet, my face), probably due to water retention. My engagement ring still fits, no so for the wedding band; so I look like a pregnant woman who is engaged. :-) I've gained 34 lbs so far (I've gained 35 lbs while being pregnant with Gerritt), so my weight is right on track. Sophia has been living on the right side of my abdomen, so my right lower ribs are tender. For the last few weeks I've been craving whipping cream & berries, cheesecake, ice cream, coconut chocolate-covered popsickles & lots of carbs (pasta & pancakes). She must be putting on some weight.
I've washed the floors in Gerritt's room & in the office (I like being on my hands & knees) & unpacked a few more boxes in the garage yesterday. I've written all of my baby gift thank-you notes. I've been re-reading book "The Baby Catcher" to get inspired about the birthing process. Even though I've been listening to my hypnobirthing CD, I can never finish it since I fall asleep so quickly. I've been also re-reading the Twilight books for the 3rd time (!) to satisfy my craving for romance. I am not sure if it has anything to do with having a girl, but I don't remember reading romantic books when expecting Gerritt.
Gerritt is such a true boy! He loves to play with trains, cars & airplanes. He usually carries 2-3 small toy cars with him everywhere we go - to the store, playground, bath, nap/bedtime & daycare. He still wants to hold on to his 2 bears & a blanket when going to sleep so it is quite a site to see me in the rocking chair with Gerritt on my lap. He learned to say a few new words recently: "No!" (I am not really excited about this one), "Pee!" (please), grapes, "Wa-wa" (water), & OK.
My plan for tomorrow is to get a pedicure since my husband thinks that is one thing holding me back from starting labor. I will probably cook a few meals for the next 3-4 days & clean the house, AGAIN. I am so tired of keeping everything in top shape just in case the baby comes. If Sophia doesn't make her entrance in the next couple of days, I will need another appointment with my widwife & talk about induction (?). I know I can probably go 2 weeks over my due date but not longer than that. I can't imagine being pregnant for another 2 weeks, so hopefully, things will start moving SOON!
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