I can hardly catch my breath - so much is happening! We took our first vacation by ourselves to Orcas Island on September 1st - 3rd. We stayed at the Buck Bay Farm Inn and Lavender Fields. We were planning to stay there for 3 days, however, we missed Gerritt & Ardie too much & came back 1 day early. My hubby was also not used to the quiet serenity & was slightly bored. I loved it, however, & spent one of the afternoons reading the book Peony in Love (a great Chinese historical novel). We've also enjoyed petting the sheep, picking fruit, & cutting lavender to dry for gift bouquets to take back. One of the mornings we hiked at the Moran State Park. I really enjoyed just vegging out & being away. The high count thread sheets, soft fluffy down pillows & a silk robe was just what I needed to feel pumpered.
Last week my husband decided to advertise our house on Craig's list. It was just too much to continue living in the house where Charlie died. We were contacted by a real estate agent who introduced us to a young couple really wanting to buy our house. They loved it from the start. They also have 2 dogs, so our fenced yard was a perfect bonus. We've almost declined the couple's offer due to the agent wanting a 3% selling commission. We bought this house via a sale by owner & we intended to sell it the same way. Thankfully, the couple liked our home so much that they have increased the offer by 12K to pay the real estate agent's commission fee. We needed to accept or decline the offer by 5 pm last Friday (September 5th). We drove to Bellevue & Lynnwood that morning to look at a couple of homes for sale. I didn't really want to accept the offer until we had something solid in mind. The idea of living out of the boxes for a month or longer didn't really appeal to me. I didn't like 5-bedroom, 3-bath Lynnwood home due to multiple stairs (the house had 3 levels) & poor location (no place to walk outside & too close to a busy street). Bellevue was depressing since many fixer-uppers were around high 300s - $400K range. After looking for a while we've visited our friend Ananth to refresh & use his internet to search for more homes nearby. My husband found a nice-looking 3-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom house in St. Ives area of Bellevue. We immediately drove there. The owner happened to be home & allowed us to look inside. We fell in love with the place right away. A coy pond, beautiful landscaping, a nice deck & a fully fenced yard were all we needed to make up our minds the same day. We called the couple wanting to buy our house & told them we accepted their offer around 4:30 pm & then wrote the offer to buy the place in Bellevue later that evening. The seller accepted our offer the following afternoon. I can't believe we are going to live in Bellevue! I loved the house & its location including its close proximity to my hubby's work, major shopping & business areas, middle & high schools, & parks. Also the street is quiet & has a low volume of traffic. I am not looking forward to my long commute to work in Marysville but, hopefully, I will find a new job in Bellevue at some point. I really don't want to take Gerritt away from his daycare in Lynnwood (he loves it so much), but I will need to find a daycare for him eventually, especially once I get a new job in Bellevue.
And last, the most exciting news of all... I took a pregnancy test (just for kicks) on the day my period was due (September 4th) & got a faint positive. I repeated the test that night & the next morning just to be sure & got a faint pink line both times. We are going to have another baby! My husband & I have been trying for about 4 months now. We even started to stress a bit that it wasn't happening even though we had sex at all the right times. Gerritt is going to have a little brother or sister! I am definitely pregnant: I am irritable, tired & hungry most of the time. I find if I don't eat every 3-4 hours, I get shaky. I am slightly nauseous when my stomach is empty, however, it is very mild. According to the first day of my last menstrual period, baby's due date is May 12th. Perfect time of year to recover & gather my strength. We are so happy & can't wait to find out little peanut's sex - in December (when I am between 18-20 weeks pregnant).
Yesterday (September 6th) we've added another poodle to our family. We picked him up all the way from Pyallup & named him Spike. He is 6 months old & very playful & energetic. He is black now, but will turn gray with age according to his breeder. While we were driving home with Spike my Mom called us frantically saying that Ardie has escaped. Apparently, she left the front door wide open to get the stroller out & he took off. She tried to catch him outside but he just ran faster since he is afraid of her. She left the baby inside the house & made multiple circles around the church looking for him, all without success. By the time we got home around 2:30 pm, Ardie has been missing for about 3 hours. We were so worried & sad. We just couldn't imagine loosing another dog in less than a month. Upon getting home we immediately went outside to look for Ardie everywhere. After about 30 minutes of looking my husband had a breakthrough when he noticed Ardie sitting low on the ground next to church's fence behind our house. He was scared & trembling. I called his name but he was too shy to come. I was so relieved I bawled my eyes out. It was so great to hold Ardie in my arms again when we were so close to loosing him!
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