After Charlie's passing both my husband & I took a day off work to grieve his loss. The emptiness & the quiet at home were just unbearable for us so we've decided to look for another poodle. I've read it is a good idea to take some time off & to grieve the loss of one's pet before getting a new one, however, we both needed a dog in our house again to help us heal. My hubby found a website called Ginger's Pet Rescue & we saw a photo of a sad grey miniature poodle Ardith. Ardith was about 4 years old & lived all of his life in a puppy mill. We filled out the application, took the photos of our yard & house, were approved & drove down to Tacoma to Ardie's foster mother to meet him on Monday night. Although Ardie was scared & stiff (he hasn't been picked up or cuddled much), I immediately fell in love with him. He was rescued around August 16th & arrived to Seattle on Saturday evening of August 23rd (around the time Charlie died - coincidence?). After his rescue Ardie was neutured, treated for fleas, had dental work done & received required immunizations as well as groomed (not professionally). We went to the bank & after obtaining money order for $450 drove Ardie home. Luckily we were able to schedule a grooming appointment at Petco on the same day. I just wanted to even out Ardie's coat & clean his ears which were full of wax. We've put Ardie into our bed with us that night. He was obviously not used to it & spent much time sitting & being stiff.
Ardie has been with us for 1 week now & he has certainly improved. After peeing all over Gerritt's toys & pooping in Gerritt's bedroom & our living room, Ardie has been doing his business outside for the past 3 days. He still does not know to relieve himself on the grass & only goes on the concrete. He has mastered the doggie door, however, he doesn't always make the connection to pee/poo outside. I have to watch him closely & when he gets restless & walks around the room in circles or is looking for a spot, I take him outside immediately. We've also been careful to take him outside first thing in the morning, after eating, etc. or at least every 3 hours. Ardie has gotten used to the leash, however, he walks very close to me so I have to be careful not to step on him. He is afraid of cars, he doesn't sniff or look around, he doesn't mark on trees & posts like other dogs & relieves himself only if he really has to go. Ardie weighs only 12 lbs (miniature poodles are usually between 15-17 lbs), he is all skin & bones, & eats like there is no tomorrow. Ardie has never seen a dog toy or bone & he certainly never tasted a chicken jerkey. It took my husband several tries to have him taste it. Ardie does not know how to jump on or off furniture, he has never walked on stairs or been inside a car. I am looking forward to showing him the new & happy dog world. He must have been a very lonely boy because he follows me around everywhere even to the bathroom (he sits on a cold tile floor waiting for me). He gets visibly anxious when we have to separate. I completely understand - I am probably the first person he has ever experienced attachment to. It is difficult to believe people would treat a dog this way - keep a highly social creature who loves companionship in a lonely cage for years. I am so glad Ardie came into our lives & I am sure he's going to be very happy with us. All he needs is time... Once in while there is a glimpse of real Ardie. I've heard him bark a few times (I am so relieved he wasn't "debarked"), seen him rolling on his back on his doggie bed, running around the back yard in circles after his poo-poo & briefly grabbing & shaking Gerritt's squeaky toy. I am looking forward to Ardie's blossoming & I am so privileged to be a part of it!
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