Today was a happy day for us. The immigration trials & tribulations came to an end & all of our hard work has paid off. After almost 9 months of waiting & 30-plus-hour long trip, my Mom officially immigrated to the US! Gerritt & I drove to the airport & picked her up. I can't believe she didn't just come for a 2-week or 1-month visit, but can live here legally for as long as she likes.
I am thrilled beyond belief for myself & my children as they now have a real Russian grandmother so close to grow up with. I feel happy & also have a newfound sense of responsibility for making sure my Mom's life in the US is everything she hopes it would be. Many call the US the land of dreams, & I truly hope my Mom will realize hers.
Jacob's home birth & my Mom's immigration to the US are definitely my biggest accomplishments in 2011. I really couldn't have asked for a better start to the new year.
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