At the craft table (Gerritt is making a necklace)
The evening was full of activities for the kids. They made bead necklaces, got prizes for their costumes & went trick-or-treating. It was Gerritt & Sophia's first time trick-or-treating & they absolutely loved it! By the end of the night, Gerritt was competing with his friend Anna to be the 1st one to ring the doorbells.
Sophia & a new turtle friend
Gerritt got a prize for the most "buzzy" costume :-)
Sophia got a prize for the most "bouncy" costume. Right at the beginning of the party she discovered a large leather couch & spent most of the evening climbing it & jumping on top of the soft pillows.
Getting ready to trick or treat
Heading out
Sophia admiring a pumpkin
Amazingly, Sophia kept up with the older kids (she was the 2nd youngest child in the group). I had to pick her up & run with her a few times not to be behind, but she insisted on doing most of the walking herself. I could hear her excited voice yelling, "Trick or treat!!!" and, of course, she was her usual polite self & said, "Thank you!" every time. People thought she was adorable & gave her lots of candy.
Trick or treat!
Thankfully, Sophia only liked to collect candy (like shiny interesting toys), but not to eat it. Gerritt was a complete opposite & a major sugar bug (one of my favorite names for him), so I had to set the rule of him eating only one piece of candy in the morning & one in the evening.
Sophia is last, but not the least (she got more candy than Gerritt because of her size & cuteness)
Gerritt - the first one at the door
Gerritt loved trick-or-treating so much, he requested to go again upon waking up the next morning. He was slightly disappointed when I told him he had to wait until next year's Halloween. I must admit, I enjoyed trick-or-treating a bit too much myself & would be more than happy to do it again next October. :-)
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