Preparing a pumpkin pie (yes, I let Gerritt crack the eggs!)
Coloring the train
Gerritt & Kate goofing around
Gerritt painting a pumpkin
Gerritt's & Mommy's project together - a spooky Halloween house
My trip to the Jo-Ann Fabrics store for some beads on Monday evening unexpectedly lead to the idea of dedicating this week to crafts & fun/creative home projects. The week started with Gerritt & girls helping me to bake a pumpkin pie. During the following days Gerritt created a necklace, painted a wooden pumpkin using paint & brushes, & colored a wooden train & an airplane using markers. Gerritt & I spent one of the evenings building a spooky Halloween house using the included kit materials. It took longer than an hour, however, just like me Gerritt didn't want to leave a project unfinished. We finally finished the house, long after Sophia & Daddy went to bed, all complete with pumpkins, gosts, bats, a witch & sparkly roof.
The week was finished nicely with a trip to the Pumpkin Patch at the South 47 Farm. Sophia laid down for her nap just as we were all ready to go, so it was decided for Daddy to stay home with her, while Gerritt & I ventured out to the Pumpkin Patch. It was sprinkling when we headed out, however, it stopped raining & the sun came out just as we arrived to the farm. We listened to a banjo player, petted beautiful & soft alpacas, had fun selecting the biggest pumpkins (that I would be able to lift) & even took a hay ride around the farm. Gerritt was 2 hours late for his afternoon nap, but it was worth it!
Gerritt feeding an alpaca
"Do you like this pumpkin, Mommy?"
Taking in the view
The hay ride
Gerritt & Mommy
On Friday I had a conference with Gerritt's teacher at the Spectrum Academy. Ms. Heidi is in love with Gerritt & said many wonderful things about him. Some of the areas he needs to improve on are handling scissors properly, tracing & cutting simple patterns, painting & pasting neatly, speaking to inform & entertain, telling a story & using drawings to express meaning. Good to know! The teacher's exact comments were:
"Gerritt is a pleasure to have in my classroom! His learning ability is very age appropriate. He is opening up to everyone. He is very kind to all of his friends. Always behaves perfect in class. Thank you for sharing him with us."
Ms. Heidi surprised me by revealing she was an attachment parent herself. When I told her that Gerritt & I share bed & like to hold hands, snuggle & talk about our day prior to falling asleep, she didn't roll her eyes or lectured me about "saving my marriage." She just understood & told me to enjoy every moment of it. She shared bed with both of her children & it went by "too fast." I know. And every time I hear, "Can you hold me, Mommy?" or "Can you sleep with me, Mommy?", I drop whatever I am doing in order to enjoy these precious moments. To me that's what mothering is about.
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