Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July Flowers

Summer is finally here & I couldn't help photographing the plentiful array of flowers in my garden. Hydrangeas, roses, clematis, daisies, nasturtiums, & buddleia (the butterfly bush)... I've always loved gardening & even though I don't have much time for it at this stage of my life, I still enjoy cultivating simple flowers (or mostly admiring the ones planted by the previous owner of our house). Our new, wedding-anniversary-gift camera didn't disappoint & helped me to capture some of the colorful beauty outside. Perhaps I will look at the photos of these gorgeous flowers during cold winter months to remind myself that spring & summer will eventually come again...

1 comment:

ЮЛИЯ said...

А у меня в июле почти ничего не цветёт. Всё или раньше уже отцвело, или зацветёт к концу лета. У нас климат гораздо суше, совсем мало дождей. А поливать всё самой у меня не хватае времени...