Beautiful peonies from our back yard in time for celebration
Happy anniversary, Mommy!
Gerritt discovered a new way to eat banana :-)
It's hard to believe we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary today! Where did the time go? We've certainly accomplished much in these short 5 years - owning 3 different residencies; having 2 children back to back & surviving their all-consuming & exhausting first years; I received my graduate degree & have been slowly transitioning from working as an acute care hospital nurse to practicing as a Nurse Practitioner. We've grown as a married couple &, although we have very little alone time, we are happy to have our young family. I can't even remember my life before the kids. Sure, I miss those relatively carefree times, but my sadness doesn't last for long.
Flashback to our 1st year wedding anniversary in 2006. Life was simpler back then.
For our anniversary we've decided to venture out on our first date in the past 1.5 years at the El Gaucho restaurant. Our wonderful nanny Irina agreed to work past 6 pm today, & we've arranged for both of the kids to be at playground prior to us leaving to minimize the tears. The plan was for us to be out & about till 9 pm & then return to a quiet house with both of the kids sleeping. Unfortunately, it was not to be. We took Gerritt's stuffed dog with us by accident, so we couldn't relax knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to fall asleep without it. A quick call to Irina confirmed Gerritt's crying & panicking for 20 or so minutes while trying to open the front door in order to drive back to daycare to pick up his dog (which we've done once in the past). Music, delicious food, beautiful setting & corteous service were not enough to keep us from missing the kids. We couldn't stay out for long & were back home by 8 pm. It has been a while since we've received such a warm reception - smiling faces & multiple hugs & kisses from both of the kids. Gerritt & Sophia both tried to sit on my lap simultaneously & I almost fell. :-)
For an anniversary present, my husband & I got ourselves a high quality photo camera - Sony DSLR-A230. I am looking forward to learning more about its special features.
Gerritt's reading list for the past few weeks included:
Edwina the Emu by S. Knowles & R. Clement
Edward the Emu by S. Knowles & R. Clement
The Dog Who Cried Wolf by K. Kasza
When Sheep Sleep by L. Numeroff
Chicka Chicka 123 by B. Martin, M. Sampson, L. Ehlert
Spot's First Walk by E. Hill
Spot's Walk in the Woods by E. Hill
Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse by L. B. George (Gerritt's favorite)
It's Father's Day on Sunday!
1 comment:
Congratulations!!!!! I remember our 5th wedding aniversary. Believe me, you 10th anniversary will approach even faster :))) Time indeed is flying with little ones in the family :)))))
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