I am 36 weeks pregnant already. Just when you think you can't get any bigger or more uncomfortable & then you do. My belly feels tight & burns occasionally on the top from stretching. Sophia has been very active, moving around & pushing me in my ribs with her elbows & knees. Sometimes my whole belly jiggles - fascinating to watch. On my last midwife appointment about 3 weeks ago, Sophia was in a breech position, so I had to do pelvic tilt exercises several times a day & visualize her turning head down. When I went for a pregnant belly lab (to help UW midwifery & Nurse Practitioner students to learn about assessing a pregnant woman) a week later, she turned head down (confirmed by 3 midwives). I was relieved, although part of me wished for an "easy" route of a scheduled C-section.
Gerritt goes to his daycare 4-5 times a week now. I am so grateful to have an affordable daycare that he loves (only $40/day). He hasn't been sleeping well for the past 5 days - teething again. His incisors are coming through as well as his molars on the top. He's been needy, cranky, waking up 2-3 times a night, wanting to be held & fed. He still sleeps with his stuffed animals (a teddy bear & 2 dogs) as well as his green baby blanket. It's hard to pick him up with my big belly. I am not sleeping as well either - tossing & turning frequently. Sometimes I can't even turn - I get bad cramps on the sides of my belly & have to take slow deep breaths & wait for them to go away. My husband has to sleep in our guest room sometimes since I am such a light sleeper now & his snoring keeps me up.
Our kitchen remodel is complete & it is sure great to be done with having strangers in the house. I've planted some flowers (peonies & dahlias) in our garden. Too late for spring bulbs, so those will have to wait until fall. I've been cooking & freezing food for the last few days - lasagna, beef & barley soup, oat bran carrot muffins - to have some food ready to eat after the baby comes. I bought tons of Amy's organic frozen meals as well. I've recently just finished reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series books (all 4 of them in 1 week!). It is a love story between teenagers - a human girl Bella & a vampire Edward. I literally could not put the books down until I was finished. I little treat to myself before all of the craziness with a newborn... I was even thinking of naming our daughter Isabella after the main character of the book, but my hubby was not so fond of this idea. :-)
Gerritt has grown again. I am not sure how tall he is now, but he is definitely heavier. I've skipped his 18-month check-up & just took him to the Health Department for his shots (those check-ups are just too anxiety-producing for him). When he wakes up in the morning, my hubby usually changes his diaper. After that Gerritt runs to my bedroom yelling, "Mommy, mommy!" I can't linger in bed even for 5 minutes because he gets my red robe off the hook & brings it to me & then says "Amah!" (I am ready to eat). I get up, warm up his bottle of formula & we snuggle on the couch while watching cartoons. Now his favorite one is "Cars." He wants to watch it in the morning & at night right before going to bed. Probably too much TV, but I don't have much energy to fight him or provide another activity that's similarly entertaining. He usually wants to me to sit next to him while watching cartoons, so if am doing something else, he pats the couch next to him & tells me "See, see!" (sit, sit). Gerritt loves anything to do with cars, so he plays with his little toy cars & always points out to cars & buses on the streets. He loves to watch out for big buses while riding in the car & gets really excited when he sees one by yelling, "Bah, bah!" Gerritt loves to help so if you ask him to bring you shoes, clothes or a towel, he'll do it. One of his favorite activities is to look through family photos on the computer. He loves to point out, "Nahny (for mommy)," "Daddy!," "Dog!" or "Baby!" He doesn't like his Korean grandmother as much. If we ask him, "Do you want to go to halmony (Korean for grandmother)?", he'll shake his head side to side & say "Aaah!" (his way of saying no).
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