On October 1st Gerritt turned 1 year of age. Time has flown by too quickly! We were looking through old photos & videos & he was so tiny just a few months ago. The first year of baby's life is a time of such rapid & significant changes. We've celebrated Gerritt's birthday 3 days early - on Sunday, September 28th. Gerritt's uncle Ananth hosted the party in his Bellevue home & my hubby's Mom did a lot of her delicious Korean cooking including Korean BBQ. The party was small, about 12 people. We didn't want to repeat the 100-day celebration experience where Gerritt was too overwhelmed & tired. That Sunday he took his morning nap from 10 am to 12 pm. My Mom, Gerritt & I arrived to Bellevue around 1 pm. Gerritt was in such happy mood & smiled a lot. He really enjoyed the attention from others. Around 3:30 pm he fell asleep while drinking his bottle of formula & slept until 5pm. Perfect! I could not have asked for a better timing. Adhering to Gerritt's home schedule made the party so much more pleasant & easier on him & us.
We've ordered a large carrot cake from Costco with a big rainbow on it. We lit up a candle in shape of a number one. While my husband & I were blowing it out Gerritt managed to get some cake frosting on his little finger. He took a couple of licks & that was the extent of his dessert that day. My husband's Mom brought some of her famous homemade goulash for Gerritt, so he had a large serving of it. Before eating my husband, Gerritt & I all dressed up in traditional Korean outfits & posed for photos. My hubby's Mom has had some of the outfits at her house & some she brought back from her last trip to Korea. I wore a beautiful turquoise-colored gown & Gerritt wore an outfit of a little general. How fitting! That is Young's favorite name for Gerritt - our little general. Even though Gerritt fussed a little while being dressed, he was very responsive to all the clapping & funny sounds people made to elicit his smiles. Luckily for us, he smiled for most of the photos. Our friend Grace was so generous to spend her Sunday afternoon taking professional photos of Gerritt & everyone at the party.
Today I am 8 weeks & 2 days pregnant. According to babycenter.com the baby still has webbed fingers & toes & he is about the size of a kidney bean. The genitals haven't developed enough yet to reveal his sex. I am feeling well with the exception of fatigue, mild nausea & frequent hunger. I was only nauseous for about 2 weeks while pregnant with Gerritt, so I am a little disappointed that nausea is hanging around longer this time. On a good note, I may be carrying a girl this time since "girls make you really sick" according to some people. I've gone through a stage of craving everything sour - kimchi, lemons, sour apples, orange juice and, my favorite, kombacha. I've been fortunate to be able to nap frequently while my Mom was here. I am a little worried how I am going to pick up Gerritt & rock him to sleep with a big belly in a few months. My plan is to teach him falling asleep on his own (like he used to do a few months ago) & I've got to wean him of his middle of the night feeding somehow (especially since he doesn't need it biologically). Some homework for me...
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