My Mom has visited us for 1 month from January 11th through February 11th. She arrived on Friday, the day before Gerritt's 100-day celebration. Gerritt did not like her at first & would cry loudly every time she got close or attempted to pick him up, however, by the following Tuesday, they have bonded. I spent most of the month orienting for my new job, working 3-4 days a week. It was great to have my Mom here to take care of Gerritt. It gave me a peace of mind knowing that he was taken care of while I was away.
I took my Mom to the airport to fly back to Russia last Monday. Her flight was at 7 am, so we left the house about 3:30 am. My husband & Gerritt stayed home since we thought it would be best for Gerritt to continue sleeping rather than to disrupt his daily routine. Right before my Mom & I took off Gerritt woke up, so my dutiful Mom fed & changed him before we left. The separation from Gerritt was really hard on her. She was in a sad mood & crying the evening before her departure. I was crying as well on Sunday, in anticipation of my Mom leaving. We said good night to each other in the evening, knowing that both of us needed to get some sleep before a long day ahead, however, I couldn't sleep & sat in a rocking chair crying. When I checked on my Mom, she was also crying while laying in bed. I hate saying good-byes! You realize how much you still need your Mom even though you are all grown up & have a baby yourself.
On Monday (2/11) & Tuesday (2/12) I stayed home with Gerritt. In addition to trying to manage my sadness, I had to deal with Gerritt being sick again. Unfortunately, I had the flu last week. I was so sick I had to stay in bed on Thursday & Friday. I tried going to work on Saturday, however, was sent home. I've experienced cough, headache, diarrhea, body chills & aches, fever of 101.5 F as well as generalized weakness. Gerritt must have cought the virus from me. He did not have any respiratory symptoms, however, had diarrhea for about 3 days. He was having 5 loose stools a day last week, which I wasn't worried about, however, on Monday, Tuesday & most of Wednesday he had diarrhea every 20-30 minutes. I thought I was going to loose it, I was so worried. Between having to change him every 30 minutes, feeding him smaller meals more frequently, trying to keep him well hydrated, & doing everything I could to minimize the bad diaper rash Gerritt was developing, I was getting to the point of exhaustion. I was also worried about starving Gerritt, since for about a day & a half he was getting nothing but Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes he was loosing so fast. I was afraid he would be so hungry, he would not be able to sleep at night, however, Gerritt slept in his usual 4- and 5-hour blocks of time. After a day & a half, I've started feeding him half-formula/half-Pedialyte solution, again in small amounts, & on Thursday (2/14) he was tolerating full-strength formula. I've also added some powdered probiotic supplement to his formula 3 times a day to recolonize his gut with "good" bacteria. After multiple phone calls to Gerritt's doctor I was finally able to get in on Wednesday (2/13) afternoon. It was a waste of time since the doctor said I was already doing everything I should be doing. Even though I was applying tons of Triple Paste after each bowel movement, Gerritt's bottom became very red & tender to touch. He would cry every time I wiped it. I was so relieved when the diarrhea slowed down on Thursday. I didn't think Gerritt's skin could handle any more wiping... Another crisis averted! I guess, it never ends. Just like they say, "Small kids - small problems, big kids - big problems." Plus, we are raising a boy. I am trying not to think of what there is to come later when he will start crawling & walking. One day at a time...
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