On February 20th Gerritt spent his first full day with his babysitter Anna (from 10 am to 5 pm). Poor thing! He was so stressed out that that night he slept from 10 pm to 6 am without waking up once to eat. On February 21st Gerritt was at Anna's again from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. That night he slept for 6.5 hours straight, woke up to eat, then slept until 6:30 am. Maybe that's the secret... If you want a good night's sleep expose Gerritt to new people and/or situations!
The week of February 18th has been a busy one. I was stressed out juggling commuting to work, dropping Gerritt off & picking him up at Anna's, driving to pick up the donated breast milk from Kerry, trying to plan nutritious meals for the family & get enough sleep while doing it all. All in all, my new job at Planned Parenthood has been very satisfying, so all of the sacrifices have been worth it. It has been warm & sunny these Monday & Tuesday, so I took Gerritt for a walk outside on both days. After dressing him in 3 layers of warm clothes, putting a hat on & bundling him up in a Bundle-Me Bunting, I walked with Gerritt & Charlie for over an hour. Gerritt fell asleep after the first 15 minutes of our walk. It feel great to exercise! Life is starting to feel normal again. :-)
On February 26th Gerritt got his 2nd round of immunizations (DTaP and Rotavirus). Our new doctor's office has ran out of vaccines so after waiting for 2 weeks & still not hearing from them I took Gerritt to the North Seattle Public Health Center. Thankfully, he did not experience increased fussiness, fever, diarrhea, vomiting and poor sleep this time. He just slept for about 3.5 hours after getting home from the clinic. I premedicated him with liquid Tylenol prior to the clinic appointment. That might have helped...
On February 28th Gerritt had his first accident. He fell out of his swing & hit his head on the floor. My hubby & I felt awful! He was sitting next to the swing & it took a moment of him looking away at TV screen for Gerritt to fall out. Poor thing! He cried a little, mostly from fear, & got a small bump on his right forehead. I have iced it right away, so the bump was gone by morning. Gerritt is getting more agile every day. I guess we have underestimated his abilities.
On February 29th Gerritt has tried his first solid food - mashed banana. He sure enjoyed it! He learned to open his mouth & swallow the food right away. He kept opening his mouth & trying to grab the spoon the whole time, almost like saying, "Give me more, please! Don't stop!" The next day, I gave Gerritt banana again in a different form - locked inside a feeder. The feeder is a small mesh bag that can contain a fruit or a vegetable that a baby can suck on preventing choking. Unfortunately, I found out bananas have caused Gerritt to have severe constipation, so the next fruit we've tried were pureed prunes. They were a big hit as well! What a joy it is to help Gerritt discover all of the different flavors in the world! It is pretty funny to watch his face when he is trying a new food item & deciding whether he likes it or not. Fun times!
At the end of February I've also introduced Gerritt to a BornFree sippy cup. BornFree is a company specializing in baby feeding products made of Bisphenol-A free plastic. Only the best for Gerritt! He wasn't able to drink out of it yet, however, it turned out to be a great teething toy. Gerritt loves to chew on the BornFree nipple!