Our dog Charlie has adjusted to Gerritt's birth better than we expected. He is so sensitive & nurturing, we call him nurse Charlie now. :-) He doesn't like hearing Gerritt cry & attempts to comfort him by licking. He has also been sleeping by my side every night even though it means waking up frequently. We found Charlie to be as tired & sleepy during the day as we were. ;-) Also on occassion, Charlie has been known to sniff out a dirty diaper & to alert us by tugging at baby's blanket. Since I used to hold Charlie so much, he still wants his Mommy time regularly even if it means sharing a Boppy pillow with nursing Gerritt. Charlie loves to snuggle next to Gerritt with our supervision, of course, & has accepted him as a new addition to our family. Charlie has turned 3 last September, so he'll be around when Gerritt is in his teens. Hard to imagine now...
This blog was inspired by the upcoming birth of our 1st baby Gerritt. Its purpose is to keep our family members and friends informed of the events in our lives. I am a natural birth & attachment parenting advocate. I am a strong midwifery supporter, & after my son's unfortunate experience with circumcision, have become an intactivist. I am also an Adult Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women's Health.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Gerritt & Charlie
Our dog Charlie has adjusted to Gerritt's birth better than we expected. He is so sensitive & nurturing, we call him nurse Charlie now. :-) He doesn't like hearing Gerritt cry & attempts to comfort him by licking. He has also been sleeping by my side every night even though it means waking up frequently. We found Charlie to be as tired & sleepy during the day as we were. ;-) Also on occassion, Charlie has been known to sniff out a dirty diaper & to alert us by tugging at baby's blanket. Since I used to hold Charlie so much, he still wants his Mommy time regularly even if it means sharing a Boppy pillow with nursing Gerritt. Charlie loves to snuggle next to Gerritt with our supervision, of course, & has accepted him as a new addition to our family. Charlie has turned 3 last September, so he'll be around when Gerritt is in his teens. Hard to imagine now...
October 2007
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