Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gerritt & Charlie

Our dog Charlie has adjusted to Gerritt's birth better than we expected. He is so sensitive & nurturing, we call him nurse Charlie now. :-) He doesn't like hearing Gerritt cry & attempts to comfort him by licking. He has also been sleeping by my side every night even though it means waking up frequently. We found Charlie to be as tired & sleepy during the day as we were. ;-) Also on occassion, Charlie has been known to sniff out a dirty diaper & to alert us by tugging at baby's blanket. Since I used to hold Charlie so much, he still wants his Mommy time regularly even if it means sharing a Boppy pillow with nursing Gerritt. Charlie loves to snuggle next to Gerritt with our supervision, of course, & has accepted him as a new addition to our family. Charlie has turned 3 last September, so he'll be around when Gerritt is in his teens. Hard to imagine now...

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