Today is week 38 of my pregnancy. I can't believe I am almost there! Our life is going to change forever in only 2 weeks! I have been experiencing a major nesting urge. During the last few weeks we have redecorated our house, washed all of the windows, pruned the trees, had a furnace check up, organized my office, washed floors & all of the inside doors & panels, cleaned out the fridge including freezer, ironed a pile of clothes left over from my school days, repotted & fertilized house plants, & prepaid our bills for October. The nursery painting & decorating was finished about 2 months ago. We have so many baby items, our 3-bedroom house seems a lot smaller all of a sudden!
I am feeling reasonably well. It has been an uneventful pregnancy with the exception of ankle swelling I've started to have last week. Good timing since my last day of work was last Wednesday! :-) Little Gerry is definitely dropping into my pelvis more (compare the photos of me wearing turquoise pajamas on 9/5/07 to today's photos). I can feel the ligaments stretching & pelvis widening. Although I am able to continue daily walking, I sure feel it in the mornings. It takes much slow breathing & position maneuvering to get out of bed due to sharp ligament pain in my groin.
I am frantically reading everything I can get my hands on about labor, postpartum & baby care (see my list of favorite pregnancy, labor & postpartum books below). I don't think I'll ever be ready, but reading helps to relieve my anxiety somewhat. I really place high hopes on hypnobirthing to assist me in natural labor, & have been listening to hypnobirthing CDs daily (see Pregnancy, Labor & Postpartum Resources below).
I had my 2nd labor preparation acupuncture session with Diana Ferdana today. Its purpose is to help open up proper energy channels & to improve the flow of stagnant chi (or energy) to facilitate the birthing process. I can't say enough about Diana's tuning fork, visualization, aromatherapy & Tibetian bowl techniques! My husband and I had our last of 7 Great Starts birth preparation classes last Tuesday. Look forward to seeing everyone's babies at the reunion sometime in November! We also had a birth planning meeting with our doula, Audra Sanderhoff, last Saturday. We have discussed our birth plan & preferences in detail, & I am confident in Audra's ability to help us achieve the best possible birth outcome. Last week we have toured the birthing suit at our hospital & had a car seat properly installed by a technician. All set to go!
1 comment:
jeez are looking big. hope the major portion of it is the baby's brain ;).
good luck. waiting for the good news. and cant wait to see the nose-face-hair mix.
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